The MLS is a locality-specific database of properties for sale. Its main purpose is to help the exchange of property and compensation information among buyers and sellers and their real estate agents. The MLS is a database of home listings, but there's a great deal more to it than just that. With STRATA, your MLS listing for Twin cities is no longer a concern.
Our Twin Cities multiple listings are set-up to offer brokers and clients comprehensive information about various features of properties including:
Can You Put Your Home On MLS Without A Realtor?
The answer is no you can’t as you need an licensed real estate agent and consultant to do so.
The MLS listing is very important in helping market your home to prospective buyers as most buyers’ home searches start with the MLS.
When you're looking at homes on the internet you are likely using the multiple listing services without even knowing it. Most home search websites get their home listings from the homes listed on the MLS.



A lot of third-party internet sites list homes for sale using data from the MLS. But they offer less for the money and cannot offer a personalized experience and support from a live broker.
At STRATA, we have fixed and budget conscious prices which can help you save thousands of dollars. That is because home sellers cannot market their homes directly on the MLS database as access to this catalogue is limited only to licensed agents and brokers and STRATA extends these benefits to their clients for a fixed price. STRATA is here to offer comprehensive or tailored MLS services that meet your budget and requirements.
We help our clients by sharing property listings, which are tailored to their requirements, and we share current industry insights before making any suggestions. The goal is to make the MLS listing as attractive as possible to potential Twin Cities buyers to get the most marketing value possible.
STRATA is the best choice for your Twin Cities MLS listings. We offer real MLS listings in Saint Paul, Minneapolis, Edina, Woodbury and Eagan markets as well as all over the greater Twin Cities. We list your home until it is sold and provide guidance throughout the process. We would love to answer your questions any time! Just message us online, or email us to discuss your MLS listings and how you can get more benefit.